Theatre Playground
Workshop Teatro
The Theatre Playground Workshop aims to develop with actors and directors the principles of Theatre Playground. Depending on the available time, the workshop can assume different shapes, focusing on the acting training, on the directors work or even producing a whole play as the result, in the long term model.
The usual workshop that is run abroad is the 20 hours model, 4 hours a day for 5 days.
It is built for those actors and directors who want to try a new approach on understanding and following a theatre training methodology based on creativity, rhythm, physicality and pleasure. During the workshop, exercises are introduced and the group tries different 'playgrounds', also with text, finding out effective ways of using the technique for their own personal purpose.
The masterclass (6 or 8 hours) is also a possibility for a practical brief introduction to the technique.
Number of participants for the workshops:
Minimum: 03
Maximum: any number, depending on the available space.
Needs: sound system.
The workshop can be conduced in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The texts can be in any language.
​Este workshop visa desenvolver com atores e diretores os princípios básicos da técnica de Teatro Playground. Dependendo do tempo disponível, o workshop pode assumir diferentes formatos, com o foco no treinamento de atores e/ou de diretores, ou até mesmo resultando em um espetáculo, no modelo mais longo de trabalho.
Normalmente o workshop oferecido é o de 20 horas (4 horas por dia durante 5 dias) e é direcionado a atores e diretores que desejam experimentar uma nova abordagem de entendimento e vivência de um processo de treinamento cênico, baseado em criatividade, ritmo, fisicalidade e prazer. Durante este workshop, exercícios são propostos e o grupo experimenta cinco diferentes níveis de Playground, inclusive com a utilização de texto, buscando possibilidades diversas de uso da técnica de acordo com os objetivos de treinamento propostos.
A "masterclass" (6 ou 8 horas) também pode ser oferecida,como uma breve introdução ao Teatro Playground.
Número de participantes no workshop:
Mínimo: 03
Máximo: qualquer número, dependendo do espaço disponível.
Necessidades: sistema de som.
O workshop pode ser realizado em português, inglês ou espanhol.
East15 - University of Essex
Theatre Playground - Playfull possibilities for extra-daily connections
Masterclass to introduce the ‘Theatre Playground’ technique, created by Ramiro Silveira, and subject of his PhD thesis at University of São Paulo, Brazil. It proposes a creative space filled up with stimuli for triggering connections and creativity. Its goal is to minimize gaps, creating a fluid path towards performance by suggesting a common ground of commitment. A territory is built and under a specific awareness, a clear set of tasks is proposed. The experience underlines the awareness of the ‘here and now’, resonating accordingly to individual characteristics such as: experience, background, personal references, desires, etc. The ‘Playground’ is built to provoke creativity in a playful way, finding connections that could lead towards performance. It is literally a playground where embodied forms and an environment carefully prepared give the ‘ground’ for the performers to ‘play’ upon. The idea is to establish a working space with no hierarchy, where the practitioners respond to stimuli, grounded in physical routines and action. The ‘extra daily quality of being’ intends to trigger relations and realisations, creating and redefining rules for ‘players’ and ‘facilitators’, offering a safety net that allows the participants to dive deep in the experience, opening their creative channels to perceive and connect with the other and with themselves. The understanding of the playfulness as the bridge for such connections opens endless possibilities for applying the Theatre Playground technique not only as a tool for devising and creating performance but also as a suggestion of a contemporary pedagogic approach on performance training.
Technical resources needed:
sound system with a cable for connecting a smart phone
room appropriated for physical work
few pieces of set such as chairs, tables, etc.
possibility of blackout and change of lights (ideal, not mandatory)
Masterclass Teatro Playground
​Since 2015 Ramiro Silveira leads the BA World Performance course at East15 - University of Essex, in UK.